Test bank for Varcarolis’ Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing A Clinical 8th Edition
Table of Contents
UNIT I: FOUNDATIONS IN THEORY1. Mental Health and Mental Illness2. Theories and Therapies3. Psychobiology and PsychopharmacologyUNIT II: FOUNDATIONS FOR PRACTICE4. Treatment Settings5. Cultural Implications6. Legal and Ethical ConsiderationsUNIT III: PSYCHOSOCIAL NURSING TOOLS7. The Nursing Process and Standards of Care8. Therapeutic Relationships9. Therapeutic Communication10. Stress Responses and Stress ManagementUNIT IV: PSYCHOBIOLOGICAL DISORDERS11. Childhood and Neurodevelopmental Disorders12. Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders13. Bipolar and Related Disorders14. Depressive Disorders15. Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders16 Trauma, Stressor-Related, and Dissociative Disorders
17. Somatic Symptom Disorders18. Eating and Feeding Disorders19. Sleep-Wake Disorders20. Sexual Dysfunction, Gender Dysphoria, and Paraphilias21. Impulse Control Disorders22. Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders23. Neurocognitive Disorders24. Personality DisordersUNIT V: TRAUMA INTERVENTIONS25. Suicide and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury26. Crisis and Disaster27. Anger, Aggression, and Violence28. Child, Older Adult, and Intimate Partner Violence29. Sexual AssaultUNIT VI: INTERVENTIONS FOR SPECIAL POPULATIONS30. Dying, Death, and Grieving31. Older Adults32. Serious Mental Illness33. Forensic NursingUNIT VII: OTHER INTERVENTION MODALITIES34. Therapeutic Groups35. Family Interventions36. Integrative Care
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