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Test Bank For Principles And Applications of Assessment in Counseling 5th Edition by Susan C. Whiston


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Test Bank For Principles And Applications of Assessment in Counseling 5th Edition by Susan C. Whiston

Multiple Choice1. With a reliability coefficient of .81, using classical test theory we would interpret that the:​a. ​amount of error variance to observed variance is 81 percent.b. ​amount of true variance to observed variance is 81 percent.c. ​instrument has good enough reliability.d. ​instrument’s validity coefficient would be 0.812.ANSWER: b2. If we interpreted a reliability coefficient to indicate that 80% of the variance was true variance to observed variance, what would be the ratio of error variance to observed variance?​a. ​0.20b. 0.40​c. 0.60​d. ​0.80ANSWER: a3. According to classical test theory, if the observed variance of a test is 50 and the true variance is 40, what is the estimated reliability of the test?​a. ​0.40b. 0.50​c. 0.80​d. ​0.90ANSWER: c4. Systematic error (as compared to unsystematic error):​a. ​significantly lowers the reliability of an instrument.b. insignificantly lowers the reliability of an instrument.​c. increases the reliability of an instrument.​d. has no effect on the reliability of an instrument.​ANSWER: d5. What statistical technique is often used to calculate an estimate of reliability?​a. ​Regressionb. Analysis of variance​c. ​Factor analysisd. ​CorrelationANSWER: d6. A correlation coefficient is an indicator of:​a. ​the validity of an assessment.b. ​the variability of the obtained scores.c. ​the relationship between two sets of data.d. ​the fluctuation of an individual’s score over time.ANSWER: c7. Correlation coefficients range from:​a. ​-1.0 to 1.0.b. 0 to 1.0.​c. 0 to -1.0.​d. -5.0 to 5.0.​ANSWER: a8. When calculating correlations, the most common method used is the:​a. ​Pearson-Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.b. Correlation Coefficient of Most Common Factors.​c. Reliability Coefficient of Correlation.​d. Reliability Correlation Coefficient.​ANSWER: d9. The statistic that represents the percentage of shared variance between two variables is the:​a. ​correlation coefficient.b. reliability correlation.​c. ​coefficient of determination.d. ​coefficient of shared variance.ANSWER: d10. For which of the following tests would a test-retest reliability estimate be least appropriate?​a. ​Intelligence testsb. Tests of moment-to-moment mood changes​c. ​Academic achievement testsd. ​Instruments to measure art aptitudeANSWER: b11. Which of the following is NOT one of the assumptions that should be met when establishing the reliability of an instrument using the test-retest method?​a. ​Test-retest reliability is only valid when measuring situational traitsb. The characteristic or trait measured should be stable over time​c. ​There should be no differential in practice effectd. ​There should be no differential in learning between the test and retestANSWER: a12. The most significant difficulty with estimating reliability with the alternate or parallel forms procedure is​a. ​calculating the correlation coefficient using two different forms.b. ​the effects of remembering specific items in the second testing.c. developing two sound instruments that are equivalent or parallel.​d. ​finding two similar sets of test takers.ANSWER: c13. The Spearman-Brown formula is used:​a. ​to correct a test-retest reliability coefficient.b. to correct a split-half reliability coefficient.​c. when the items are all of the same difficulty level.​d. ​when the items are of differing levels of difficulty.ANSWER: b14. The decision to use either the Kuder-Richardson 20 (KR 20) or the Kuder-Richardson 21 (KR 21) is based on whether:​a. ​the method used to determine reliability is the test-retest or the alternate form method.b. correlation or regression is going to be used.​c. the items measure a homogeneous or heterogeneous behavior domain.​d. the item format is multiple-choice or true-false.​ANSWER: c15. What is the most appropriate way to determine reliability with Likert scales, where different answers receive different weightings?​a. ​Test-retestb. Spearman-Brown​c. Kuder-Richardson 20​d. Coefficient alpha (or Cronbach’s Alpha)​ANSWER: d

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Test Bank For Principles And Applications of Assessment in Counseling 5th Edition by Susan C. Whiston
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