Test Bank For Medical Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management Of Clinical Problems, 8th Edition by Sharon L. Lewis
Table of content
1. Contemporary Nursing Practice2. Health Disparities and Culturally Competent Care3. Health History and Physical Examination4. Patient and Caregiver Teaching5. Chronic Illness and Older Adults6. Community-Based Nursing and Home Care7. Complementary and Alternative Therapies8. Stress and Stress Management9. Sleep and Sleep Disorders10. Pain11. Palliative Care at End of Life12. Addictive Behaviors13. Inflammation and Wound Healing14. Genetics, Altered Immune Responses, and Transplantation15. Infection and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection16. Cancer17. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Imbalances18. Nursing Management: Preoperative Care19. Nursing Management: Intraoperative Care20. Nursing Management: Postoperative Care21. Nursing Assessment: Visual and Auditory Systems22. Nursing Management: Visual and Auditory Problems23. Nursing Assessment: Integumentary System24. Nursing Management: Integumentary Problems25. Nursing Management: Burns26. Nursing Assessment: Respiratory System27. Nursing Management: Upper Respiratory Problems28. Nursing Management: Lower Respiratory Problems29. Nursing Management: Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases30. Nursing Assessment: Hematologic System31. Nursing Management: Hematologic Problems32. Nursing Assessment: Cardiovascular System33. Nursing Management: Hypertension34. Nursing Management: Coronary Artery Disease and Acute Coronary Syndrome35. Nursing Management: Heart Failure36. Nursing Management: Dysrhythmias37. Nursing Management: Inflammatory and Structural Heart Disorders38. Nursing Management: Vascular Disorders39. Nursing Assessment: Gastrointestinal System40. Nursing Management: Nutritional Problems41. Nursing Management: Obesity42. Nursing Management: Upper Gastrointestinal Problems43. Nursing Management: Lower Gastrointestinal Problems44. Nursing Management: Liver, Pancreas, and Biliary Tract Problems45. Nursing Assessment: Urinary System46. Nursing Management: Renal and Urologic Problems47. Nursing Management: Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease48. Nursing Assessment: Endocrine System49. Nursing Management: Diabetes Mellitus50. Nursing Management: Endocrine Problems51. Nursing Assessment: Reproductive System52. Nursing Management: Breast Disorders53. Nursing Management: Sexually Transmitted Diseases54. Nursing Management: Female Reproductive Problems55. Nursing Management: Male Reproductive Problems56. Nursing Assessment: Nervous System57. Nursing Management: Acute Intracranial Problems58. Nursing Management: Stroke59. Nursing Management: Chronic Neurologic Problems60. Nursing Management: Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia, and Delirium61. Nursing Management: Peripheral Nerve and Spinal Cord Problems62. Nursing Assessment: Musculoskeletal System63. Nursing Management: Musculoskeletal Trauma and Orthopedic Surgery64. Nursing Management: Musculoskeletal Problems65. Nursing Management: Arthritis and Connective Tissue Diseases66. Nursing Management: Critical Care67. Nursing Management: Shock, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome68. Nursing Management: Respiratory Failure and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome69. Nursing Management: Emergency, Terrorism, and Disaster Nursing
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