Test Bank For Physical Geology 14th Edition by Plummer
Chapter 03
Igneous Rocks, Intrusive Activity, and the Origin of Igneous Rocks
True / False Questions
1. Rhyolite is considerably more common than granite.FALSE
Bloom’s Level: 2. UnderstandTopic: Igneous Environments
2. Diorite and andesite are composed of similar amounts of feldspars and ferromagnesian minerals.TRUE
Bloom’s Level: 1. RememberTopic: Igneous Environments
3. Lava is magma on the Earth’s surface.TRUE
Bloom’s Level: 1. RememberTopic: Igneous Environments
4. Extrusive igneous rocks are typically fine grained because they crystallized slowly, deep below the Earth’s surface.FALSE
Bloom’s Level: 2. UnderstandTopic: Igneous Environments
5. A dike is a discordant intrusive igneous structure.TRUE
Bloom’s Level: 1. RememberTopic: Igneous Environments
6. The geothermal gradient is the rate at which pressure increases with increasing depth beneath the surface.FALSE
Bloom’s Level: 1. RememberTopic: Igneous Environments
7. Mafic igneous rocks are silica-poor.TRUE
Bloom’s Level: 2. UnderstandTopic: Igneous Environments
8. A mineral’s melting point generally increases with increasing pressure.TRUE
Bloom’s Level: 2. UnderstandTopic: Igneous Environments
9. Although batholiths may contain mafic and intermediate rocks, they almost never composed of granite.FALSE
Bloom’s Level: 2. UnderstandTopic: Igneous Environments
10. The sequence in which minerals crystallize in a cooling igneous melt is called Bowen’s Reaction Series.TRUE
Bloom’s Level: 1. RememberTopic: Igneous Environments
11. The continuous branch in Bowen’s Reaction Series contains the ferromagnesian minerals.FALSE
Bloom’s Level: 1. RememberTopic: Igneous Environments
12. A pluton is an igneous structure that crystallized at very shallow depths.FALSE
Bloom’s Level: 1. RememberTopic: Igneous Environments
13. Partial melting of the lower continental crust produces a silicic magma that eventually solidifies into granite or rhyolite.TRUE
Bloom’s Level: 2. UnderstandTopic: Igneous Environments
14. An ultramafic rock is composed almost entirely of quartz.FALSE
Bloom’s Level: 1. RememberTopic: Igneous Environments
15. The term mafic comes from the terms magnesium and ferric.TRUE
Bloom’s Level: 1. RememberTopic: Igneous Environments
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