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Nonprofit Management Principles And Practice 4th Edition By Worth – Test Bank


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Digital item No Waiting Time Instant DownloadISBN-10: 9781483375991 ISBN-13: 978-1483375991Publisher ‏ : ‎ SAGE Publications, Inc; 4th editionAuthor: Michael J. Worth

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Nonprofit Management Principles And Practice 4th Edition By Worth – Test Bank

Table of Contents

PrefaceAcknowledgmentsPart I: Understanding Nonprofit Management, the Nonprofit Sector, and Nonprofit OrganizationsChapter 1: Nonprofit Management as a Profession and a Field of StudyA Revolution in ManagementA Distinct ProfessionNonprofit Management as a Field of StudyToward a Balanced ApproachProceeding With Realism and PrideChapter SummaryKey Terms and ConceptsQuestions for DiscussionAppendix CaseSuggestions for Further ReadingChapter 2: Overview of the Nonprofit SectorAmerica’s Nonprofit Sector: A Historical OverviewSearching for a Common VocabularyAlternatives to NonprofitSize of the U.S. Nonprofit SectorDifferentiating the Nonprofit SectorEmerging New ModelsThe Commercialization DebateCommercialization and Tax ExemptionImplications for Nonprofit ManagersChapter SummaryKey Terms and ConceptsQuestions for DiscussionAppendix CasesSuggestions for Further ReadingChapter 3: Theories of the Nonprofit Sector and Nonprofit OrganizationsExplaining the Nonprofit SectorExplaining Nonprofit OrganizationsChapter SummaryKey Terms and ConceptsQuestions for DiscussionAppendix CaseSuggestions for Further ReadingPart II: Governing and Leading Nonprofit OrganizationsChapter 4: Nonprofit Governing BoardsTypes of Governing BoardsThe Governing Board’s ResponsibilitiesThe Board and the CEOExplaining Board BehaviorManaging Nonprofit BoardsNonprofit Board EffectivenessThe Challenge of Nonprofit GovernanceChapter SummaryKey Terms and ConceptsQuestions for DiscussionAppendix CasesSuggestions for Further ReadingChapter 5: Executive LeadershipThe CEO’s JobManagement and LeadershipOverview of Leadership TheoriesThe Effective Nonprofit CEOFounder SyndromeExecutive TransitionsLeading ChangeChapter SummaryKey Terms and ConceptsQuestions for DiscussionAppendix CasesSuggestions for Further ReadingPart III: Managing The Nonprofit OrganizationChapter 6: Ensuring Accountability and Measuring PerformanceDefining and Ensuring AccountabilityMechanisms for AccountabilityMeasuring and Managing PerformancePerformance Measurement: The Continuing DebateChapter SummaryKey Terms and ConceptsQuestions for DiscussionAppendix CasesSuggestions for Further ReadingChapter 7: Developing Strategy, Building Capacity, and Managing RiskUnderstanding StrategyStrategic Planning and Strategic ManagementThe Strategic Planning ProcessWriting the Strategic PlanDeveloping an Operational PlanBenefits and Limitations of Strategic PlanningBuilding Organizational CapacityDefining and Understanding CapacityCapacity Building in ActionA Model for Capacity BuildingCapacity and Organizational Life CyclesCapacity Building EvaluatedManaging RiskChapter SummaryKey Terms and ConceptsQuestions for DiscussionAppendix CasesSuggestions for Further ReadingChapter 8: Collaborations, Partnerships, and MergersGrowing Interest in CollaborationA Continuum of RelationshipsExploring Collaborations and MergersDrivers of Collaborations and MergersObstacles to Collaboration and MergerConditions for SuccessCollaborations and Mergers Within National NonprofitsCross-Sector CollaborationAchieving Collective ImpactChapter SummaryKey Terms and ConceptsQuestions for DiscussionAppendix CasesSuggestions for Further ReadingChapter 9: Managing Staff and Service VolunteersHuman Resources ManagementAn Overview of Management TheoriesUnderstanding Human MotivationsApplying Theories to Managing the Nonprofit WorkforceManaging VolunteersVolunteer Management as a Career FieldThe Future of VolunteerismChapter SummaryKey Terms and ConceptsQuestions for DiscussionAppendix CasesSuggestions for Further ReadingChapter 10: Marketing and CommunicationsDefining and Understanding MarketingMarketing Serves the MissionMarketing Means ActionMarketing as a ProcessThe Marketing MixBuilding the BrandIntegrated Marketing Communication (IMC)Crafting an Effective MessageCrisis CommunicationsSocial MediaEvaluating Marketing and CommunicationChapter SummaryKey Terms and ConceptsQuestions for DiscussionAppendix CasesSuggestions for Further ReadingChapter 11: Advocacy and LobbyingBasic DistinctionsOverview of Lobbying LawImplementing an Advocacy ProgramContinuing Issues and ConcernsChapter SummaryKey Terms and ConceptsQuestions for DiscussionAppendix CaseSuggestions for Further ReadingPart IV: Obtaining and Managing ResourcesChapter 12: Financial ManagementDefinitions of Key ConceptsUnderstanding Nonprofit FinancesNonprofit Financial StatementsAuditsUsing Financial RatiosManaging Endowment FundsDeveloping and Managing the BudgetFinancial Policies and ControlsChapter SummaryKey Terms and ConceptsQuestions for DiscussionAppendix CasesSuggestions for Further ReadingChapter 13: Philanthropic FundraisingDefinitions and DistinctionsMotivations for GivingThe Fundraising ProcessIndividual Donor Life CyclesCampaignsManaging Fundraising ProgramsEthics and Professional StandardsChapter SummaryKey Terms and ConceptsQuestions for DiscussionAppendix CasesSuggestions for Further ReadingChapter 14: Social Enterprise and Earned IncomeDefining Social Enterprise and Earned IncomeWhy Earned Income?Partnerships With BusinessNonprofit Business VenturesEarned-Income Strategies: Issues and DecisionsChapter SummaryKey Terms and ConceptsQuestions for DiscussionAppendix CasesSuggestions for Further ReadingChapter 15: Government Grants and ContractsChanges in Sources and Patterns of SupportGrants, Contracts, and FeesGovernment Support: Opportunities and ChallengesSeeking Government SupportNonprofits in the Policy ArenaChapter SummaryKey Terms and ConceptsQuestions for DiscussionAppendix CaseSuggestions for Further ReadingPart V: Special TopicsChapter 16: Social Entrepreneurship and InnovationDefining and Understanding Social EntrepreneurshipHistory of Social Entrepreneurship as a FieldTheories of Social EntrepreneurshipSocial Entrepreneurship Across Fields and Around the WorldBuilding High-Impact NonprofitsSustaining InnovationThe Future of Social EntrepreneurshipChapter SummaryKey Terms and ConceptsQuestions for DiscussionAppendix CaseSuggestions for Further ReadingChapter 17: Governing and Managing International and Global OrganizationsDefinitions and Scope of International OrganizationsInternational Philanthropy and FundraisingInternational Nonprofit Governance and ManagementChapter SummaryKey Terms and ConceptsQuestions for DiscussionSuggestions for Further ReadingConclusionAppendix: Cases for DiscussionReferencesIndexAbout the Author

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